Meet The Principal

David is a distinguished researcher and analytics leader with an impressive track record in leveraging real-world evidence to shape and enhance public health policies and programs, especially for marginalized communities. With a prolific portfolio of 40 peer-reviewed manuscripts and over 100 technical reports, conference presentations, and professional trainings published in multiple languages, David stands as a thought leader in his field.

David's influence spans academia, government, and the private sector. He has secured over $20,000,000 in funding as a Principal Investigator or co-Principal Investigator for research, policy, evaluation, and health programs across various nations and healthcare systems. His expertise in data analysis, program evaluation, and strategic planning has significantly contributed to addressing pressing public health challenges worldwide.

Whether collaborating with clinicians, educators, researchers, or government officials, David employs advanced analytics and data science tools to merge quantitative statistical methodologies with real-world data, guiding evidence-based decision-making processes. Throughout his career, he has successfully executed projects with diverse stakeholders, including health systems, local and national governments, private organizations, and non-governmental organizations.

David's unwavering commitment to advancing public health and confronting critical health issues at local, national, and international levels is evident in his work. His ability to harness data and analytics to drive meaningful change makes him a vital asset in the ongoing effort to improve health outcomes for all, especially those in underserved communities.

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